The ALERTS (Affected Lived Experience Research, Treatment & Support) are a lived experience community interest company commissioned by GambleAware, to work alongside and in collaboration with support providers from across the National Gambling Support Network.

Our main aims are:

  1. To enable people with lived experience of gambling harms
  2. To know about current support pathways and be aware of any new services that launch
  3. To contribute our voices to help support providers improve services and become more accessible and effective

We are a group of individuals from across the UK who have been affected directly or indirectly from gambling harms. We believe that Lived Experience should be at the very heart of improving the effectiveness and accessibility of support.

Many of our group members have direct experience of accessing gambling support services within the UK.  We aim to use our voices and personal experiences to help support these organisations improve their services.

We feel it is crucial to be able to have honest and open conversations surrounding gambling harm – not only for the gambler/affected other themselves; but for the service providers who provide support to gamblers throughout recovery.

Our aim is to use our experiences (and that of other service users) to develop and facilitate honest and open dialogue with support providers to establish what works well; what needs to be improved; and how we can adopt an evidence based approach to make a positive difference.

Quite simply, we want the best possible outcomes for anyone accessing support through a support provider. We believe the voices of lived experience are crucial to help make this happen.

If you have accessed any type of support for gambling harms – as a gambler or as an affected other – and would be willing to share your experience to help us, we would love to hear from you.

Please click on the link below which will give you access to our short survey. Once completed, there is an opportunity to discuss your experience with a member of the ALERTS group in further detail should you wish.

Alerts Group - Short survey

About our short survey:

All surveys will be treated in complete confidence and stored securely. We  understand that sharing your experience may be difficult and we appreciate the sensitive nature of the topic but we do hope through our collective voices we can make a real difference.

If you have any concerns, questions or would like and further information regarding the feedback survey or any other aspect of ALERTS, please do contact as at or reach out to us through our social media link.

We appreciate you for taking the time to read this and thank you in advance for reaching out to us.

Client Feedback: What does good support look like for you?

“Compassionate and holistic. Holistic treatment, for me, was very helpful in the early days”

“Holistic, person centred and tailored for you. Helping people find ways to be more productive with their time”

“Non judgmental. Open. Empathetic. And understanding”

“When you’re at the lowest point in your life, you need people to treat you like a human and respect you. It’s massive. Lived Experience is also crucial”.

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